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December Newsletter


December 2010 newsletter

And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us.
Matthew 1:21-23.

And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation.
Luke 1:50

Our God is the promise keeping God! Not one of His mighty Words has failed. And the Promise of promises is our Lord Jesus Christ! Only because of His coming to be God With Us (Emmanuel), we now have a Savior (JESUS) to save us from our sins. Here we are 2000+ years later, still receiving His mercy, forgiveness, and salvation. We rejoice because of His coming to save us and we pray that many more will see His Mercy from generation to generation.

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Danny Martinez

Danny Martinez (right) graduated last year, but his story started long before. Juan Martinez and Gaby came to school here and are both Chinantecos from the Vega del Sol area of the state of Oaxaca. God called them to full time ministry so they came and studied at MITC back in the 80’s. They graduated and then got married and served together in the mountains of Oaxaca as missionaries for MITC for several years. There the Lord gave them a daughter and a son. Little did they imagine that Danny, years later, would also be called by the Lord to serve in the Gospel ministry. Danny is now serving in Costa Rica, working as a missionary at a church and as a Bible teacher in a Bible Institute. So we see God’s mercy from generation to generation and His blessing going out to all the nations to save His people from their sins! Praise Emmanuel! The Lord is allowing us to see several second generation students rise up to come and prepare for the Lord’s service, following in the footsteps of their parents. It is a great joy to see God use this place to bring these young people together and start families and continue to receive and share the mercy of the Lord.

December Bible Conference

We had a good opportunity to “catch up” with many of our alumni and hear their testimonies of how the Lord is using them in the ministry during our December Bible Conference and Alumni Reunion. Fifty-two graduates came, many with their families, to stay for the week long teachings given by Pastors Mark Webb (Olive Branch, Mississippi) and Jim Gables (Trussville, Alabama)(left). Sixteen sessions, eight messages on First John and eight on the life of Elijah, were the themes God used in a powerful way to instruct and challenge all of us in our service to the Lord. Of course, all our present students and faculty and staff were present for the meetings, as well as many pastors and leaders from the area and also from the state of Oaxaca. This year, Pastor Jim Gables announced that this would be his last year to come for this special time of teaching after eighteen blessed and very fruitful years of ministry among us here at MITC in Mexico. We are very grateful to the Lord for brother Jim and his efforts in teaching many generations of our students. In this too, we see the “mercy of the Lord from generation to generation”. We pray the Lord will guide and bless our dear brother in the more local areas of his ministry now that international travel is becoming very difficult for him to continue.

Dr. Tom Robinson

Dr. Tom Robinson (Alexandria, Louisiana) continues to faithfully serve the Lord here in Mexico, leading the eye surgery team that is a tremendous blessing for so many people. Dr. Robinson was called by the Lord in 1977 to come to Mexico and serve the Lord helping people with their physical blindness. Literally hundreds of trips later and thousands of patients seen and treated, God continues to use our dear brother and his wife Daphne(right), and all those who come with him to serve. Once again, we see this special mercy and faithfulness of the Lord among us.

Medical Ministry

This year Drs. Brad Black (Baton Rouge, LA) and Pam Williams (both pediatric eye surgeons)(left), operated with brother Tom to help many people with their eye diseases. Cataract, Strabismus, surgeries were performed on over ninety patients. As the patients waited with their families, our students prepared and served food, preached, sang, and shared the Gospel, one on one. The children received  Bible lessons and Vacation Bible School type activities while they waited to be seen by the doctors. During this time, the mercy of the Lord was shared in Word and deed and we are grateful to be a part of this special ministry for the glory of the Lord Jesus.

United Youth Choir

Please be in prayer as the United Youth Choir ministers during the month of December, singing about the first coming of our Lord Jesus. There are several public concerts scheduled and there will also be preaching of the Gospel when the Choir sings. This past month, we had the first of these concerts with the Choir as Brother Tom Harrison came from Shreveport, Louisiana and preached the Word of God in the cities of Fortin, La Cumbre and El Pochote. Still, many others need to hear of the Mercy of the Promise Keeping God in His son, Christ Jesus.

We are very thankful for your love, support and prayers throughout this year, as we have seen God’s mercy through each of you. May the Lord Bless and keep you for His glory.

Dan & Chuy Hall

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    Σ?μφωνα με δημοσιε?ματα, ο Nike παπούτσια Christian Gomez, 19, τη? Union Ci Nike παπούτσια ty, NJ, Nike Air Jordan για τους άνδρες ?θελε ?να ζευγ?ρι του "Solar Red" Nike Nike Air Jordan για τους άνδρες LeBron 8 V2 Ανεμο?, αλλ? αισθ?νθηκε ?τι η ζητο?μενη τιμ? των $ 800 ε?ναι λ?γο υπερβολικ? ...
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    December Newsletter - News - Mexican Indian Training Center
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